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Acheke, also spelled attiéké, “attcheke” or akyeke, is a side dish made from cassava that is popular and traditional in West Africa. The dish is prepared from fermented cassava pulp that has been grated or granulated. Dried attiéké is also prepared, which is similar in texture to couscous.
Attiéké, is a traditional couscous made from ground cassava roots, eaten by many Côte d’Ivoire residents of all ages for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It comes from the coastal areas of Côte d’Ivoire and has a centuries-old tradition.
Its benefits is that the starch content of cassava makes it easily digestible, it will also help to regulate problems of diarrhoea or irritation of the colon. It is also a dish that will gain volume in the stomach and allow you to feel full at the end of the meal.
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